The way you write your story online can make some difference.

Growth Hacking 101 – A Swype Guide
When you take the marketing tactics of the modern era, you will find growth hacking coming forefront of that list. Growth Hacking can skyrocket your business if applied and maintained properly, but the point is there are many growth hacking strategies, and as much as the right one can be your catalyst the wrong one can be your endgame.

Minding the Growth Hacking Mindset
Growth hacking starts with the right mindset. It must be tricky; you may have a thousand lingering questions in your mind that troubles you. But, the moment you break the chain of these questions and open your mind to a positive thought growth hacking happens. A Growth Hacking Mindset is a way of working and dealing with problems related to business, where you look for alternative solutions, give priority to progression over perfection and use data and new techniques.

Swype your way up with Growth Hacking!
Start-ups are the future of every country and every industry; they are the vision of future generations. To initiate an idea, to bring together the workforce, to collaborate with potential people, to find financial support are all the primary stages while starting a start-up.

One E-mail Marketing Tip You Must Know.
Some of the best email marketing “hacks” are really more like what-not-to-do tips than actual hacks. A successful email marketing strategy involves keeping things simple so that you’re not distracting the reader away from the most important part of your email marketing.

The Internet isn’t full, and we aren’t late.
I’m exhausted of dumbsurfing, oscillating my head to both the corners of my bedroom and lying on the bed looking at the ceiling and ruminating the days we’re going through is pretty much reminiscent of what our previous generations had in their childhood. Not clearly, but I could notice the resemblance in one way or the other.

We Don’t Pay An Inflated Salary, We Pay Value.
Going after success by any means necessary can backfire. People will see through you. In the long-term, you will lose your audience, followers, or customers unless you show them you care about making a real impact. When you focus on yourself, it repels people. At some point in your career, you’ll find people dismiss or ignore you, especially when they get frustrated.

Addressing The Swyping Down Language Of Patriarchy
Any woman who is active in the feminist space will be familiar with the man-hater label. Calling out patriarchal systems and toxic male behaviors that exclude and harm women — even when thoroughly supported by empirical data — will often be met with outrage; you’re critical of men, therefore you hate them.

Swype Up To Escape The Labyrinth
The pandemic has taught us many things apart from stripping the happiness from our life. It taught us what work culture is. The global lockdown and travel bans have upended assumptions about the nature of work and corporate interactions. People have discovered that they don’t have to be in an office, that they can get most things done remotely.

Swype Up To A Balanced Work Life
The pandemic has swooshed us all into the comfort of staying at home and enjoying the warmth of it and at the same time receiving the monthly paycheck. Yes, the concept of working from home (WFH). No more running behind the public transit, no more setting alarm, and no more hurry-burry in the traffic.

What’s trendier than a LinkedIn as a copy?
Marketing and networking are the two common words that you hear in your daily corporate life and there are multiple ways to do both. However, it is not about just marketing or networking but about how effectively we do that. The leading social media platforms all have their place in marketing and networking, but they’re each designed with different intentions in mind. With the right step and right ideas, you can achieve absolute success through social media. Let's Swype up.

Swype To The Next Big Thing
It was the curiosity of knowing the reason behind the fall of an apple that made Isaac Newton invent the Laws of Motion. This curiosity of men never had a rest, it made us grow, gain and gather. We are what we are because of our unending curiosity. As we speak about it, what do you think is the future of the internet?

Map Your Business Rightly
Finding the right location for your business shouldn’t be done on whim. The hard and fast of the location that you picture must be definite and shouldn’t be still in the air ‘coz business location you choose makes all the difference.

How to Write Effective Twitter Ad Copy for the future?
Twitter ads may seem random and easy however they are not. It requires a lot of effort and research to form a catchy and relevant Twitter ad. Whatsoever keeping these pointers in mind can seamlessly help you.

Any swype is an opportunity.
How can your organization create a better, more positive culture and move away from Company Complaint Culture?

Future of Entrepreneurship
Every day we wake up to new trends and changes in the market. We find new strategies there, learn countless and variant styles on how businesses operate. Some marketers hold hope for the further expansion of their enterprise but some have been hope-depleted that they don’t even see a ray of light ahead of them.

Branding is a herculean task.
Finding your right branding partner is a herculean task. Once you land on your perfect partner, then branding swypes smoothly!

Importance of data insights in the swyping world?
Electing measures that are relevant to your business situation is crucial in generating effective actionable insights. In the digital era with a click we can have as many insights as we want but the key factor is using it wisely.

How’s experience designing swyping your business?
Design is how it works not how the brand looks and feels. Aesthetics for design choice is required but it's only secondary to user experience.

Customer behaviour that Swypes value to your business.
Customer behavior is not a static process thus we should level up our game as the world rolls, trends change, and based on how our competitors are looking.

4E’s for swyping tomorrow up.
A life without technology is not even a choice for humans now, and hence is advertisements without technology. A perfect advertisement is thus the exemplary amalgamation of the creative you and the technological you. Yes, thus apart from having creative and analytical minds, marketers have to always be up-to-date with constantly changing technological landscape.