The Internet isn’t full, and we aren’t late.
I’m exhausted of dumbsurfing, oscillating my head to both the corners of my bedroom and lying on the bed looking at the ceiling and ruminating the days we’re going through is pretty much reminiscent of what our previous generations had in their childhood. Not clearly, but I could notice the resemblance in one way or the other.
Things would have been super easy for our fathers, and their generation heads to make money back in those days. But my view is a bit different. I’m ruminating of being an entrepreneur in the 1980s or ’90s would be much different and delightful than being one now.
In those days, the only Advertising medium they had to establish their business/brand was the Radio, printed forms, and Television.
And for that too, the amount of money they had to pay was immense. Keeping it aside, the possibilities their generation had was enormous and vast in almost all areas of life. Nonetheless, any dot com name you wanted would be available. How awesome is that?
The Internet would have been an empty ground back in those days when anyone can buy a website for cheap or even for free. I mean, any dot com name. The short ones, long ones, cool ones, everything.
The one who played wisely back in those days would be a billionaire by now.
All we had to do was find a name, and it’s available. For better clarification I googled it, and this opportunity was true for many years. And claiming a website didn’t even cost anything.
Since the life of the Internet and its availability was a big question mark, many people encouraged each other and registered on it while the others refused to get in. Those who refused would be crying now cognizing the Internet was a wide-open frontier then.
No matter what you do, You’ll be the first person in category X Y Z. No need for SEO and other meta-tags, you’ll surely come at first. They almost had no barriers, but unfortunately, their expectations weren’t high too.
Imagine, starting a search engine was easy as fuck. Online stores, Video websites, and anything was fun and easy.
It’s a fact that we’re so unlucky since the Internet is now overstuffed with Applications, malware, plug-ins, software, videos, and much more. It’s so bloated and overly saturated that it has more than adequate content to demand our attention for the next millions of years.
Do you think you’ll get noticed in this chaos when you come up with a tiny Innovation that helps millions of people? Sadly, the answer is no. But still, I feel so lucky and grateful for the advent of the Internet. It’s making our lives easier, and more entertaining. It’s been learning us and giving us the content that we love to see.
Albeit the Internet is overstuffed, I see this abundance as a miracle. The way it goes and the promises it gives is so extraordinary and mind-boggling too. Since it's a common man’s perspective, I’ll have to tell you that the Internet is a toddler. Nothing has happened to the Internet yet.
It is still at the beginning of its beginning. Similar to what we think right now when someone looks at the Internet and its functioning in 2050. It’d be a hell of a lot of different than it is now. AI would be playing a big role. Personal assistants would be search and find whatever the user wants. The biggest things they might be using by then would be much different and might not be invented by now.
People in the future will live in a virtual world with AI interfaces. That means you can grow with the Internet.
It’s still not full, again coming to a common man’s perspective, we must be grateful for the Internet. No matter what happened in the previous years. We are lucky that we got an Instant connection and all of us have access to it.
You can search for anything, buy anything, even food they’ll deliver it on your doorsteps, tons of entertainment, learn from it, travel anywhere, and even video call our friends. It’s the only one that we all have equal access to all over the globe.
There’s no right or better time to Invent something. It’s always here, today, and now.
Always think, the coolest things are not yet arrived on the market. You’re lucky that you realized this today, that you have an ocean of possibilities.
It is the best ever time in Human History to begin. — Kevin Kelly.
Looking forward to the surprises waiting for us in the coming years.
As always, I stay optimistic and I won’t leave it.